About Us

Holistic Health Services

Our vision is for the Aligned & Centred Acupuncture clinic, to be a place where people not only come to heal their Health, but also their Self.

Our mission is for our clinic to be a place where you can come and relax and ultimately recharge. A place where you feel safe, heard and listened to. A place of non-judgement. A place of healing.

“We call ourselves Aligned & Centred Acupuncture because this is the attunement we choose to practise holding within ourselves when we treat our clients. Centred in our hearts, aligned to the core of the planet and aligned to the energies of harmony and compassion”

Ethan and Shannon were working together while they were both at university. They would often team up and treat client’s together. They soon developed a deep friendship and knew that some day soon they would work together. That day is now.

Both are Co-founders of Aligned & Centred Acupuncture.

The true Healer is the Teacher